2024 Field Day Preliminary Results

Mapping showing highlighted ARRL Sections. Some of Canada and Alaska are not highlighted

Thanks to all that made the W9DUA Field Day event a success. 
A special thanks to KB9RW, Br. Stephen for providing access to such a wonderful location for field day.

A highlight of the event was 3 young men who stopped by to visit after having traveled to the Chicago area to pass their technician test. As they were preparing to end their visit a mother brought her son, a scout, who is interested in ham radio.  He returned for Monday open hours with more questions.


Now for the general information on the QSO counts & raw points.

Total Contacts = 537

Total Points from contacts = 879

Yeoman's work was done by several people.  K9LJB & KA9KQH for our CW qso’s, W9RX & K9ZXO for our FT8 qso’s, and every operator that sat down in front of the microphone.  Tracking of phone QSO’s is believed to be close to accurate but may be a bit off if there was failure in changing the operator. We are confident on the count for Digital & CW and have tried to account for scheduled operators being credited for phone QSO’s during their time.

Contacts by Operator/Mode

Operator Total CW DIG PH

Contacts by Operator & Mode
Operator Total CW Dig PH
W9RX 169   162 7
KA9KQH 134 68   66
K9LJB 67 67    
K9ZXO 65   45 20
AB9YG 37     37
KC9MHG 30     30
KD9SXA 10     10
KD9ZIN 6     6
KA9BKW 6    














And for those interested in how the bands were for us…


Total Contacts by Band and Mode:

 Band       CW   Phone     Dig   Total 

 ----       --   -----     ---   ----- 

   80       32       0       0      32

   40       98      77      25     200

   20        5      64     164     233

   15        0      44       7      51

   10        0      10       3      13

    6        0       0       8       8

            --   -----     ---   -----     ---

 Total     135     195     207     537     100

We worked 49 of 50 states with Alaska eluding us. Excluding Canada we had some DX also. Those included:

Entity, Contacts
Hawaii, 2

Italy, 2

Argentina, 1

Belize, 1

Cayman Is., 1

Dominican Republic, 1

Finland, 1

Lebanon, 1

Spain, 1

Venezuela, 1




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