
2025 Licensing Classes for Tech & General

Licensing Class Announcement 

The Sangamon Valley Radio Club will be holding licensing classes for both Technician and General class licenses. Location provided with Registration at: If you have registered for a class in 2024 you should be contacted. Only re-register if you are interested in a higher license level than previously stated or if your contact information has changed.

2024 Field Day Preliminary Results

Mapping showing highlighted ARRL Sections. Some of Canada and Alaska are not highlighted

Thanks to all that made the W9DUA Field Day event a success. 
A special thanks to KB9RW, Br. Stephen for providing access to such a wonderful location for field day.

A highlight of the event was 3 young men who stopped by to visit after having traveled to the Chicago area to pass their technician test. As they were preparing to end their visit a mother brought her son, a scout, who is interested in ham radio.  He returned for Monday open hours with more questions.


How to get on the air from an apartment or HOA property

A recent conversation with a ham returning to the area led to the discussion of HF Radio and living in an apartment or an HOA (Home Owner Association).  These living situations can pose a challenge for amateur radio enthusiasts due to space limitations and rules. However, there are still several good antenna options available for HF operations some of this may be permanent and may be temporarily setup on a per use basis.  Products and manufacturers mentioned in this areticle are not recommendations, just easy to find examples of that type of antenna.

Program for April 6, 2023 Meeting is....

Meet Rob Orr, recruiter of the 160 teams of amateur radio operators who provide communications for the famed Chicago Marathon. This in-person presentation will provide insight into the new direction his efforts are taking.

After spending years trying to find a good place to use his ham radio experience and background, Rob Orr, K9RST, stumbled into an opportunity to serve on the organizing team to provide ham radio operators for the Bank of America Chicago Marathon, now beginning their 15th year!  

75th Anniversary Dinner Reminder

Don't forget to sign-up for the club's 75th Anniversary Dinner that will be held on Saturday, March 18 at the Village of Jerome community center 2901 Leonard St, Springfield, IL 62704. starting at 5:30 p.m. Cost is $16.00 per person. We'll have extra forms at the March 2 meeting since you must choose your dinner selection in advance.

Program for March 2, 2023 Meeting is....

  For SVRC's Thursday, March 2 meeting, we're tapping into the expertise of techno expert Michael Walker, VA3MW, for a live, two-way on-screen conversation to learn more about how and why Software Defined Radio (SDR) technology is the hottest new must-have for ham radio operators. Walker is the Customer and Training Manager for Texas-based FlexRadio, a pioneer in the design and development of SDR. As in recent months, the meeting will be held in one of the spacious and technology-equipped meeting rooms on the main floor of South Side Christian Church, 2600 S.


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