NEW YEAR'S EVE (Antenna) PARTY 12/31/16

Taking advantage of temperatures in the 40s on the last day of 2016, W9DUA Station Trustee, Dwayne Terry KA9KQH led a team of volunteers in installing a 300' HF loop and four dual-band J-Poles at the SVRC Club station.

Thank you to all who participated!
Dwayne Terry KA9KQH
Tom Casson KD9GMS
Craig Held WX9CAH 
Larry Lichtenberger KA9LBI
Will Sommers WR5C
Ken Owens KA9VYN   
Tim McDonough N9PUZ
Jon Theoret KF8CF
Gary Stevens KD9GMP
Sharon Robson KC9UJB
David Bruce AB9YG
Jeremy Wells KD9WMV
Ron Rodvelt KC0QIG
Al Tabor N9MAF
Roger Whitaker K9LJB
Dan Butzirus KD4DLL
Joe Armstrong K9ATG


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