
70th Anniversary Dinner Announced

The details for the 70th Anniversary have been decided and the 70th Anniversary Dinner is quickly approaching. I wanted to share a few details about the dinner with you. This year's dinner will be a semi formal event. Tickets are on sale at the board meetings, club meeting, open hours or through Tickets will be on sale until February 26,2018.

When: March 3, 2018 5:30pm
Where: Poe's on the Hill
Program: From Then to Now 70yr of the SVRC
Presented by: Ben Kinningham
Price: $25 per person

W9EBK & N9HHE-- Ham Radio Adventures Summer 2017

Eyeball contacts with Hams from around the world

Adventures of W9EBK and N9HHE Summer 2017

Don, W9EBK, has a great story to share of his and XYL Claudia N9HHE's travels to the Dayton HamVention and the ARDF Meet in Cincinnati...let's let him tell it.
"I often hear that you never know who you will meet through ham radio. This year has been serious proof of that. It started with our trip to the Dayton Hamvention in May.



Presentation on SOTA at the August Club Meeting

At the Summit-Steve WG0AT

At the August 2017 SVRC club meeting, Tim N9PUZ presented Summits on the Air (SOTA).  SOTA is an award scheme for radio amateurs that encourages portable operations with the goal of having fun while operating from a variety of locations. So, if you are not a mountain goat kind of operator, you can still work activator SOTA stations from the comfort of your couch at home.  SOTA is structured in such a way that anyone can participate.  There are two roles that can qualify for points and prestigious SOTA certificates.  Just make qualifying contacts and submit your logs.


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