The Sangamon Valley Radio Club provides FCC license testing in support of, and sponsored by, the ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator. Candidates wishing to become licensed or wishing to upgrade their existing license are welcome to test at one of our regularly scheduled Volunteer Examiner (VE) testing sessions. VE Testing Sessions are held every even numbered month, on the second Saturday, at 9 a.m. (unless otherwise noted) Our testing locations are in Springfield, IL. The address will be sent to you by our registration coordinator in the week preceeding the exam session. Contact for testing location(s) Please fill out the information below so we can make sure to have a test for your license class available. Also please remember to bring: A Government issued Photo ID (driver's license, passport, or other legal photo ID. If no ID is available, you must present two of the following: a non-photo ID/driver's license; Social Security card; birth certificate with appropriate seal: minor's work permit or school report card; utility bill, bank statement, or other business correspondence that specifically names the person; or a postmarked envelope addressed to the person at his or her mailing address as it appears on the Form 605. An FCC Issued FRN (Federal Registration Number). WE CAN NO LONGER USE SSN. See for instructions. If currently licensed, the original for verification and a copy for us to send with the paper work. If you currently hold an Amateur Radio license and are attempting an upgrade to General or Amateur Extra you must bring a copy of your license with you that we can send to the ARRL along with the test paperwork. If you need a copy of your license go to, do a license search by your callsign. Click on your callsign in the search results. At the top right of the next page is “Reference Copy”. Clicking this will download a pdf with a long number for a name. Print that pdf of your license and bring it with you. Any applicable CSCE (Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination) forms or expired licenses if you are seeking element credit. We will need the original for verification and a copy to send with the paperwork. The testing fee ($15 Cash), exact change is appreciated). You can bring a calculator, but it cannot have a programmable memory. If it does, you must show that any programmable memories have been cleared prior to the start of the exam. Name * Call if you have one Email * Phone * Session Date * - Select -April 12, 2025June 14, 2025August 9, 2025October 11, 2025December 13, 2025 Examinations you would like to take * Technician General Extra Comments or Special Needs Leave this field blank