June Club Meeting
Each month's meeting includes a presentation related to ham radio. The general public is welcome to attend as well as area ham operators and SVRC club members.
Each month's meeting includes a presentation related to ham radio. The general public is welcome to attend as well as area ham operators and SVRC club members.
Each month's meeting includes a presentation related to ham radio. The general public is welcome to attend as well as area ham operators and SVRC club members.
The April presentation is on how ham radio can support large planned public events. Rob will discuss the Chicago Marathon, Marine Corps marathon and the Boston Marathon. Ham radio plays a large part in supporting all of these events and has become well integrated into the public service sectors in the process.
The program for this month's meeting will be a presentation, "What do all those knobs and buttons on an HF radio do?" where we will discuss how to get started with your HF radio. The general public is welcome to attend as well as area ham operators and SVRC club members.
Logging has been such an integral part of ham radio since the very beginning. But - just what does logging entail? What makes a good log and why? How does a paper-log stack up to newer software? What's this ADI file format all about?
Come to the next SVRC meeting, (February 1 , starting at 7 p.m. at our Club HQ, Room 330, Red Cross Building, 1045 Outer Park Drive, Springfield ) and we'll figure it all out - interactively!
Bring your questions, your best ideas, and your experience with your own log and we'll talk about it.
The general public is welcome to attend as well as area ham operators and SVRC club members.
This month's program presented by Mitch Hopper, K9ZXO is:
"Vision in a Vacuum" A technical history of the tubes that made video.
A Piece of History Motivates Ham Who Built His Own Enigma Machine
In a special salute to the fast approaching Veterans Day, on Thursday, November 2, the Sangamon Valley Radio Club will take a look back at what historians say was a turning point for communications in World War II, one that led to the Allied victory. The program begins at 7 p.m. at club hqs in Springfield.
At the September 2017 meeting KB0PQP, Tyler Costantini, provided an interesting and enlightening presentation regarding Electromagnetic Pulses. He later posted this on youtube. You can find it here: https://youtu.be/63CZvwfzgmI
Would your amateur radio equipment survive an Electromagnetic Pulse event, man-made or otherwise?
That's the question Pittsburgh, Kansas-based amateur radio operator Tyler Constantini, KB0PQP, will try to answer on Thursday, September 7 in an unusual Skype/Visual presentation to the Sangamon County Radio Club.
The program, at 7 p.m., will address not only the technical side of an EMP, but also the personal impact it could have on individual ham radio operations.
At the August 2017 SVRC club meeting, Tim N9PUZ presented Summits on the Air (SOTA). SOTA is an award scheme for radio amateurs that encourages portable operations with the goal of having fun while operating from a variety of locations. So, if you are not a mountain goat kind of operator, you can still work activator SOTA stations from the comfort of your couch at home. SOTA is structured in such a way that anyone can participate. There are two roles that can qualify for points and prestigious SOTA certificates. Just make qualifying contacts and submit your logs.