Girl, Age 11, Gets Technician Ham License

Rachel with the three voluntary examiners W9EBK, KD9FZF, KD9FZI

Congratulations to Rachel who recently passed her Technician’s exam for her amateur radio license.  

Rachel’s father, Mike Neuliep KB9YEJ, answered Rachel’s questions as they came up during her studies, otherwise, Rachel studied on her own.  She decided when she was ready to take the exam.

Rachel, who is home-schooled, is age 11 and lives at home with her parents and two sisters.  She is excited about having passed her exam and is planning to take the General exam soon.  She recently assembled a half-watt HF CW kit where she soldered about 40 components onto a printed circuit board. She is also interested in long-distance communications on HF.

It’s not often the Voluntary Examiners (VEs) get to offer the amateur exam to children and were delighted to do so in this special session.  VE testing sessions are offered on the second Saturday in the months of February, April, June, August, October and December at 9:00 AM at the American Red Cross building at 1045 Outer Park Dr, Springfield, 3rd floor.  If you are ready to take the amateur radio license exam at a time other than these regularly scheduled times, contact SVRC VE to request a special session.  As long as three VEs are available, they will make every effort to accommodate your request.

Rachel, we are looking forward to hearing you on the air.  Well done!

Rachel, Age 11, Gets her Technician License

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