CQ Field Day, CQ Field Day....

All Don't forget this weekend June 22-23, 2024 is ARRL Field Day. The Club will be setting up at 4595 Laverna Road.

See calendar event: https://www.svrc.org/calendar/2024/2024-field-day.html

We will have climate controlled positions with antennas setup for 40 and 20.   We have a couple of intrepid operators willing to setup at the pavillion on the property running 15M & 10M.  We also plan & hope to have a few additional climate controlled possitions   KA9KQH, the erstwhile station trustee, has a family event to attend saturday afternoon. That and due to forecast temperatures we plan on setting up starting at 3pm on June 21, Friday Afternoon.  This gives us plenty of time to get antennas setup and final logistics figured out while trying to avoid heat stroke.  

We still have plenty of time slots for people who wish to operate and hope to have operators making Q's throughout the night.  If there is a specific time window you would like to operate contact either "President at SVRC.ORG" or "Trustee at SVRC.ORG"



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