On Saturday, February 22, 2020, a small group of SVRC members gathered at the Illinois State Fairgrounds for the first “Foxhunt” in several years. Since we have so many new members with no Foxhunting or ARDF (Amateur Radio Direction Finding) experience, the Elmer Committee decided to start off with an unofficial foxhunt; more of a foxhunt training seminar really. The group started in the south-west corner of the state fairgrounds and the “fox” went to the north-east corner – about a half-mile away. And the hunt was on! The day was crisp and sunny and everyone had a great time.
Don Pitchford (W9EBK) was the “hound” and team leader for this training session. Don has been active with the Sangamon Valley Radio Club for a long time and competes in ARDF exercises. He has won several metals in U. S. National and IARU Region 2 championships. Most recently winning the U.S. national and IARU Region 2 Bronze metal for the M-40 class in 80 meter Classic direction finding. He is also named to the ARRL ARDF committee Rules subcommittee. The Elmer Committee and all who participated thank Don for his generous help pulling off this event.
Thanks also to Cameron Stewart, AC9TW, whose unbridled enthusiasm got this project off the ground.
Don has provided this set of links for more info on this subject.
2 meter Sniffer ARDF radio -
Joe Moell, former U.S.A./ARRL ARDF coordinator web site -
ARRL’s new ARDF web site -
Chinese ARDF site, must translate -
Chinese ARDF products, not as much translation needed. These radios are marginal performers but OK for beginners doing casual hunts. The stuff labeled 2 or 144 is for 2 meters, the stuff labeled 3500 is 80 meters. -
The “official” importer of Chinese ARDF products. They seem to never have any in stock. -
Top quality 80 meter receiver: when you are ready to compete at the highest levels. These are available from Ham Radio Outlet, DX Engineering, and Giga Parts for around $300. -