IL QSO Party
A Weekend Open Hours Event aligned with the Illinois QSO Party!
Brother James Court Laundry Building
4595 Laverna Road, Springfield, IL 62707
Use the Springfield Developmental Center Driveway, then look to your left.
A Weekend Open Hours Event aligned with the Illinois QSO Party!
Brother James Court Laundry Building
4595 Laverna Road, Springfield, IL 62707
Use the Springfield Developmental Center Driveway, then look to your left.
The Sangamon Valley Radio Club is looking for communications volunteers in support of the American Lung Association’s Fight For Air Stair Climb.
To volunteer contact: trustee at
Where: Wyndham City Centre, 700 E Adams St, Springfield, IL
When: Feb 26, 2023 7:30AM to 1:00PM
What: A UHF Handheld and a headset due to the high ambient noise.
Operating from home locations, K9Y was on the air throughout the run of the 2021 Illinois State Fair, August 12-22, 2021. All amateur radio operator were welcome to participate from their own ham shack using their own radios. Three operators took part in the event; J. Mitch Hopper – K9ZXO, Chuck Hopper – K9PLX, and Roger Whitaker – K9LJB.
On may 1, 2021 the SVRC club members in conjunction with IEMA, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency, will participate in a simulated Emergency Test, or SET. The point of this particular training centers on a potential earthquake on the New Madrid and Wabash Valley fault lines in southern Illinois. To promote and explain the activity, the SVRC produced a short HD video called, “Amateur Radio Prepares for the Worst: May 1, 2021 Simulated Emergency Training”.
The Special Event Station W9I, celebrating the 2020 Illinois State Fair, is now history. For ten days, W9I was operated by nine SVRC club members operating on any band and using any mode they wished. In addition to the traditional SSB and CW modes, several different digital modes were employed as well.
This year, Field Day is going to be quite different for the members of the SVRC. Since the Covid virus has restricted our movements and social distancing is the new normal, the SVRC is not going to assemble a team to conduct Field Day as it has in the past. Instead, we are recommending that our members run their own Field Day exercise on their own. As long as you follow the health guidelines, we hope you can work from home or from some personal outdoor area and make as many contacts as you can.
During the week of April 7 to the 14th, 2020, the Sangamon Valley Radio Club sponsored a special event amateur radio station. The station is issued a special call-sign by the FCC which is only good for the time of the event. World-wide, amateur stations enjoy making contacts with stations that are only on the air for short periods of time. This spring, K9L was formed and tasked with remembering the assassination of Abraham Lincoln 155 years ago.